Forms ceramic ware and produces a higher quality product at a lower cost.
The RAM Process is the mechanical hydraulic plastic pressing of ceramic shapes with permeable dies. Gypsum cement (plaster) is commonly used, but more permanent materials have been developed and are being used where applicable. Instant release of the pressed shape is obtained by means of fluid pressure forced through the permeable die. The RAM Press, shown in operation in the series of photos below, is semi-automatic requiring a minimum of manual operation.
Many companies in the varied ceramic fields are using the RAM Process today. A listing includes: manufacturers of art ware and novelties . . . hotel china . . . semi-vitreous dinnerware and informal dinnerware . .. electrical porcelain . . oxide ceramics, sanitary ware . . . and structural clay products. A RAM installation is adaptable to any clay forming ceramic operation.
Present equipment in your plant may be adaptable to the RAM Process with slight alteration.
With the controlled steps of the RAM Process each piece of ware is of uniform high quality, thereby substantially lowering the number of rejects from the forming to the kiln. The clay charge is controlled within required limits. The press dwelling time remains the same for each cycle. Dewatering of the formed shape during pressing is not left to guesswork but accurately controlled. Each piece has an increased resistance to sagging. The glazes will look better. This all adds up to higher quality at lower cost with RAM on the job.
Wide Range of Bodies Are Used
An extremely wide range of bodies have been used successfully in the RAM Process, from 100% clay to 100% non-plastics with artificial plasticizer added. Grog refractory type bodies are used with equal success and an unusually long die-life. In general the clay charge should be of a "stiff mud" consistency (slightly stiffer than normally used for jiggering) and have water retention properties sufficient to permit the body to flow easily during the pressing cycle.Under normal conditions the RAM Process can be adapted to fit the body you are now using. The extreme flexibility of RAM is your assurance of no major conversion in your plant procedure.
Pressure Requirements
The pressure exerted on the plastic body in RAM pressing usually will fall within the range of 100 to 400 p.s.i. Isolated cases have required more or less. The forming pressure is applied to the entire clay charge, the clay within the cavity as well as the flashing around its periphery. The pressure in p.s.i. required is a function of the following: the type of body used, body consistency, degree of dewatering affected, thickness of the pressed piece and others.
The RAM Dies
Each RAM die consists of two members; usually a male and a female. They are encased in metal die casings and provided with registration pins for proper alignment. The gypsum cement die is internally reinforced with metal for additional strength. The more permanent die materials, at present, are held in the metal die case and backed up with plaster. The shape of the metal casing can be round, oval or rectangular and is only restricted by the physical bounds of the press. The bed of the RAM Press will accommodate a large single die or a combination of several small dies. A single die as large as approximately 2 feet x 2-1/2 feet may be used. The RAM dies can be made in your plant by you or your personnel who are given an intensive training course at the RAM plant. Or RAM can make your dies. Your RAM die maker forms the new working dies and in most cases no special equipment is needed. One to six man hours (dependent on complexity of the die) is required to produce working dies. The newly formed die may be used immediately without the usual drying period of other methods. Change over from one die to another is done at the press in a matter of minutes. Another important advantage is that large die storage areas are a thing of the past with RAM installation.
The die life expectancy of the RAM die is dependent on very much the same factors as other forming methods, which include:
Body type used
Dewatering required
making control
Limitations of quality
The big difference is in the die-use cost which is equal to
or much less than the mold-use cost of other plastic clay forming
methods. Actual RAM installations report die life ranges from
1000 to 5000 pressings from a RAM die, with an average of 2500
pressings. Die life of the more permanent dies is considerably
Any shape (asymmetrical or symmetrical) that can be made in a two-piece mold can be adapted to the Ram Process with no redesigning necessary. Extreme variations of thickness are possible. Depth is only limited by the size of the press. A "rule-of-thumb" for the determination of open daylight required on the press is to multiply three times the height of the piece plus five inches, thus an item having a total height of 8 would require 3 x 8 24" plus 5", or 29". Many appendages such as handles, knobs, etc., can be pressed directly on the piece eliminating much hand work. Clean finished holes may be punched simultaneously with the forming operation.
With the installation of the Ram Process in your plant an immediate increase in production can be achieved, in unusual cases up to 600%. The present Ram Pressing equipment will operate 5 to 6 pressing cycles-per-minute. In those plants which have/install automatic handling devices and similar equipment, production will attain or approach this potential. Incentive of the operator, body used and complexity of the die are also controlling factors. In actual plant operation a rate of 1500 pressing cycles per-eight-man-hour day is easily maintained. All of what is mentioned above is possible and factual. It will work in your plant.
Better Quality...Bigger
Volume...Greater Profits are synonymous with the Ram equipped
production line.