RAM has commissioned a series of shapes which we have tooled into Master Impressions. These shapes are available for purchasing of the working dies, thus allowing you to greatly expand your production range without investing the additional $1,000.00 - $1,400.00 for the each individual custom master. We have produced most shapes in both the traditional Ceramical working dies as well as RAM's Porous Resin Die. The Ceramical dies are sold with a guarantee of quality and workmanship at the time of shipment. Because of the individual variables we can make no claims as to the production rates or life of these dies. Average die life on the Ceramical Dies is 1500 pcs. RAM's Porous Resin Die are sold with a guaranteed life of 10,000 pressings as long as the dies are properly cleaned and cared for. Copies of the warranty requirements are available. The Porous Resin Dies produce an average of 12 times more than the Ceramical Dies.
*Die cases must be purchased with first order, on repeat orders the cases are exchanged, evenly as long as the cases are returned in usable condition.
Most shapes can be produced on a 30 ton press. All shapes can be produced on a 60 ton press. All shapes are in single cavity dies.
Ceramical is a product of the United States Gypsum Co.